Has it ever happened to you that in the middle of an important moment, your phone or, for example, your camera, just suddenly dies on you? With, like, no warning at all. All you can do at that point is panic. Well, don’t. A dead battery on any device at any time is not something that is on anyone’s wish list, but it’s not the end of the world.
Maybe what you could do next time is call the genie from Aladdin’s story to fulfill your wish that no batteries in the world would ever run out. Or, maybe try taking our advice. Maybe we could help.
How? Well, by simply telling you to make sure that your battery is always full and that you have with you the most practical invention of the 21st century, which is an external battery.
With the keyword being the external battery.
You see, with any external battery you will be able to charge your device without any problems. A portable battery pack for photography lights will charge your camera gear and a pocketable power bank will keep your iPhone charged.
So even when you forget to do such an important thing when it comes to your devices, which is to simply make sure that it is charged, you will always be able to take a small external USB battery out of your pocket and fix the issue.
How it all works?

If you are not familiar with this smart device and you do not know how it works, here is an explanation for you
In addition to extending battery life on any of your devices, this handy device is also very easy to use. It actually has a rechargeable battery in it, which is usually inside a hard case and transfers its energy via a USB cable.
These chargers have one or more USB ports and they adapt to all types of your device. They are connected to all kinds of cables, such as, for example:
• Standard Micro-USB
• Apple Lightning cables ending with a USB Type-A
These are just some of the possibilities.
How to use it?

Its use depends on which charger you have and how it works. This should not scare you because most of them work on the same principle.
If you want to charge any of your devices, such as a phone or camera, you only need to connect it to a portable charger. Just don’t forget to turn it on!
Some of them have an indicator on them that shows when it has finished charging. Whether you’re using a lightweight v mount battery or a mini v mount battery – the end result should be the same – you should get enough power to your gear.
How long do they last?

Depending on the use, their lifespan changes.
If you use them every day, your portable charger will last less. And if you do it a little less often, it will last longer. But that doesn’t mean you should skimp on it.
Every external battery has a charging cycle. With each use, that cycle expires, therefore the external battery lasts less. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the number of cycles it offers you. And a more than satisfactory figure is somewhere around 300 to 600 for small devices. For larger equipment, it is around 3,000.
However, if you want to use this device for charging, for example, your recording equipment, from lights to cameras, you must also pay attention to the capacity it reaches. If you are not sure which one would suit you, we recommend the Moman Power 140 small v lock battery with a capacity of 140Wh.
In addition, there are other factors that affect the life of this device, which are:
1. The quality of the material
We can agree that when you buy, you always look at quality. You already know that when something is of good quality, it lasts longer
However, always choose chargers that have a warranty just in case. Yes, the average life of this device is 1.5 – 3 years, but if your warranty does not cover that minimum, it means that your device is very likely bad.
Rather choose companies that are proven to use a material that is of good quality. So do your research before buying!
2. Capacity of the battery

There are two types of batteries that can be found in your device:
• Lithium-ion
• Lithium polymer
Lithium-ion is the most common type of battery that is most likely in your phone. This type protects the device from overcharging and overheating.
Lithium polymer, because it does not have a circuit, does not heat up the device.
When it comes to these two types, we always go for lithium polymer because it is lighter. You will hardly find out this information if you ask the seller what type of battery he has, but this is also a sign for you to run away!
But thankfully, both choices turn out to be good, so you won’t be wrong.
3. The size of the device
For a laptop, camera or tablet, you will need larger chargers. The larger the charger, the more likely it is to have a larger capacity. But it will also very likely have to go through multiple rounds of charging.
For example, if the capacity of your phone is about 2,000 mAh, and your charger reaches a capacity of up to 5,000 mAh, you have two and a half charges! The higher the capacity of the device, the lower the number of charges.
The conclusion
So, as we have already established, this device is convenient for every trip outside the home. You will no longer have to save the battery for later because you will be able to charge it at any time. If you haven’t owned it yet, that’s your fault, but you’ll soon see how much easier life is with it.
Just be sure to do your research before buying anything!