How Long Will a Pressure-Treated Wood Deck Last – a 2024 Guide

As the name implies, pressure-treated timber has been treated with different substances, more specifically, chemicals in order for the wood to be shielded from various weather elements. Since it goes through this procedure, it’ll last longer than lumber that hasn’t been treated, which is why you might be thinking about utilizing it as a material for your deck.

If so, you may be wondering how long it’ll actually prevail. To answer this specific question right away, longevity will depend on a wide range of factors, nonetheless, decks constructed from this type of lumber could last from 10 to 40 years. Here is some basic information that you should know about choosing this type of timber for your deck:

1. How Long Will it Last?

As we mentioned at the beginning of our article, this will depend on a wide range of factors, including how the deck is cleaned and utilized. For instance, some pressure-treated timber could last for approximately forty years, but this will only be true if it’s adequately cared for and if the deck isn’t exposed to wear and tear, humidity, and constant changes in the temperature. Since you’ll be utilizing it for your deck, you could anticipate it to last at least ten to fifteen years.

Why will it prevail shorter if I utilize it for my deck? Well, it’s easy to understand – it’s possible that you’ll utilize it for various things such as barbecuing and chilling with your friends and family after a long and tiring day at work, which is why it’ll degrade quicker. Additionally, if it’s exposed to weather conditions, it’ll definitely degrade faster, which is one of the main reasons why you must guarantee that you wash and clean it appropriately.

You must remember that, if your pressure-treated timber loses its safety layer, you’ll need to start maintaining it just as you would a normal deck, constructed from lumber that hasn’t been processed. If this happens to you, you must opt for sealing it, mostly because this will prolong the deck’s life, hence, if it loses its defense layer, don’t forget to clean and repair it along the way since you’ll be able to utilize it for longer.

2. Will it Rot?


According to the experts from, a pressure-treated wooden deck could rot, even though it’s more sturdy and protected than lumber that hasn’t been treated with chemicals. This means that it could rot at some point. You must remember, that if it starts deteriorating, it’ll rot even faster if you don’t maintain it in the correct way. Furthermore, the areas that are used the most can cause harm to the surface, which will, of course, make it more inclined to deteriorate.

3. Why Does it Rot?

In most situations, the accumulation of mold will cause a pressure-treated wooden deck to rot. After all, the water will penetrate the surface and if it cannot escape, mold will start developing. Now, you should know that this is something that will happen over a specific period of time, which means that you may not notice it right away. Nonetheless, if you clean it properly, especially after rain falls, you could stop mold from developing, and by doing so, you’ll stop it from rotting.

4. Will I Have to Seal it Each Year?


No, if you do everything in your power to wash and clean it adequately, you won’t have to seal your deck every year, mostly because the chemical treatment process shields it from water, debris, and other substances. If you want to guarantee that it’s protected, you could seal it and if it loses the initial defense, you’ll definitely need to do it, mostly because it’ll help you prolong its life.

5. Does it Last Longer?

The process that protects the lumber involves forcing different chemicals deep into the structure of the timber by utilizing high pressure. Basically, the manufacturers will place the lumber into a chamber, which will get rid of all the water and air from the piece. Then, the substances are added and the chamber pushes them deep inside the piece. Relying on the manufacturer, distinct chemicals can be utilized.

6. Are The Substances Safe?


Although chemicals are utilized for treating timber, it’s completely safe for a deck. The substances involved aren’t toxic, thus, they cannot generate any health difficulties for you, your family, as well as pets. Nonetheless, if you’re thinking about this material option for your deck, you should always check and see the type of substances used, so that you could ensure that it’s safe for you and the people living with you.

7. If I Seal it, How Long Can it Last?

As we mentioned, you don’t have to seal this type of deck, nevertheless, if you do this, you’ll definitely shield the coating underneath, which will, of course, cause it to last longer. After all, mold won’t develop and it’ll be more protected from the weather, hence, it’ll most likely expand its lifespan. You must keep in mind that you have to find a suitable sealant, hence, before choosing the first one that comes in your search results, do some digging and learn what you’ll have to use.

8. Can I Place a Barbecue on The Deck?


Yes, you can, however, you must be extra careful so that you don’t burn the timber. Although the substances used aren’t toxic, they could be if they’re burned, hence, you must ensure that it doesn’t catch fire. Because of this, many homeowners choose to place their barbecue sets somewhere else, which is something that you should also consider, especially if you want to guarantee that you and your family are safe.


As you could see, opting for a pressure-treated wood deck might be a convenient option for you, especially if you want to guarantee that it lasts for a very long time. However, you should remember that, if you wish to expand its longevity, you’ll need to clean it properly, thus, ensure that you know what you must do.

Since you’ve now learned that a pressure-treated wooden deck can last for up to forty years, you might not want to lose any more of your time. Instead, if you’re planning on building a deck from this particular material, start looking for a company that’ll help you construct the deck of your dreams.