EssayService Essay Writer Phil Collins Shares 5 Tips for Writing a Great Video Game Review

In today’s world, video games are a crucial element of the entertainment industry. The scale of the gaming industry can be compared to, for example, the film industry.

Therefore, writing gaming reviews with the help of professional essay writers from top online paper writing services like is becoming increasingly popular.

Suppose you want to write a video game review and need help structuring your paper. Then here are some excellent review writing tips that will be of great assistance to you.

1. Take notes while playing the game


Writing down notes as you play the game is one of the best ways to write game reviews. Remind yourself constantly that you are playing it to write an essay writer review to avoid being caught up in the excitement. As you play, you will notice many details and facets of various stages. It is preferable to stop the game straight away and take a note.

Otherwise, you might forget some of the specifics when you begin to write your paper later. According to expert essay writers from top academic help services, the best approach for writing a review is to play the game. You can read internet reviews or ask your gaming buddies for advice, but you will only be able to create an excellent article once you actually play the game.

Always avoid relying on the opinions of others. The benefit of experiencing the game firsthand is the opportunity to examine all its aspects in great detail. Additionally, it allows you to express an opinion. As a result, you’d be able to produce a fantastic piece and get the highest grade for it.

Even if you have a good memory for details, start taking notes. Making an outline using your notes, like a professional essay writer, helps ensure you don’t miss anything crucial. It will also help you to quickly and accurately produce your draft on the first try.

2. Create your first draft


Revisit your outline like a professional essay writer and start elaborating on each point, describing what you liked and disliked about the game. To ensure that each segment has the same length, keep in mind the word count you would like to achieve.

Always make an engaging introduction to your review from the outset.

As you come up with your essay writer review, concentrate on expressing yourself. Try not to worry too much about mechanics during your first draft. You’ll have plenty of time to proofread it during the revision portion.

3. Describe the gameplay


After the introduction, provide the justification for your viewpoint. Give the reader more information about various elements of the game, such as:

  • Visuals;
  • Level of difficulty;
  • Sound effects.

Above all, you need to describe the plot and purpose of the game as if you were telling someone who has never played it. Like an expert essay writer from a professional writing service, consider covering these key questions:

  • What must players complete?
  • Why is gaming engaging?
  • What are the players’ underlying goals?
  • What obstacles must they overcome to succeed?
  • How are these difficulties resolved?

4. Gather your information, then write a review


Create sections in your review to make it easier for readers to navigate. To write an excellent review like a pro essay writer, you don’t need to be an expert in graphics or audio. The things you feel, perceive, and experience are what other players will find helpful.

Generally speaking, your review should touch on the following game components:


A game’s graphics are one of its most crucial components so take note of your first impressions about them. Are the graphics annoying, or do they keep you engaged in the game? Consider the clarity, plausibility, and performance of the visuals.

Gameplay and control

How simple or challenging is it to play the game? Describe this to the reader with examples. There’s a good probability they’ll struggle in the same area you do.

It is also an excellent place to include the control configurations that worked best for you and other suggestions that would improve a player’s enjoyment of the game.

Characters and narrative

Who are the characters? Is the game’s core what keeps you interested in playing it? The story’s flow—is it smooth or choppy? Give examples of other games that it reminds you of to describe the style. Doing so will enable the reader to decide whether or not they will like it.


While sound is frequently overlooked in favor of graphics, it is a critical component that may make the difference between a good and fantastic game. So it is crucial to pay attention to it while playing the game.

Once more, evaluate sounds based on how realistic and crisp they are. Note whether they enhance or lessen your experience with the help of expert essay writers you can find on online academic help platforms.


Players want to know if a game is exciting enough to play repeatedly. Based on your initial playing experience, describe the duration and addictiveness of the game to the reader. This aids players in determining whether the game is worthwhile for them to spend time and money on. So it is crucial to mention it in your review.

Individual perspective

Lastly, add your essay writer’s perspective on the game. Share your thoughts on the game’s overall strengths, weaknesses, and what you liked and disliked about it. Be precise. If there was a component of the game you didn’t enjoy, explain why by using an example.

Be truthful. Indicate if you were given the game for free or compensated in exchange for your review.

5. Note down what you would change about the game


Since no game is flawless, your professional essay writer review should point out any shortcomings or areas that need improvement. Write in specific terms only and include concrete examples.

The bottom line

There is much to review about a game besides the graphics and sounds. If you feel stuck, check out some reviews by expert essay writers online. You could also seek writing help from the best essay writers.