There are many factors that people consider while buying a new car. For some buyers, comfort and the style quotient, the car offers are of primary importance. While others look for durability, after all, a car is an expensive purchase, and most buyers want it to last for a long time before they buy a new model.
For most car lovers, mileage, power and fuel efficiency offered by a car are of the most significant interest. A vehicle that provides higher power is fun to drive. If the fuel efficiency of the car increases, it might end up saving a lot of money.
Hence, people go for engine remapping, which was previously known as car chipping. The process involves changing the algorithm that runs a modern vehicle’s engines so that its engine gives higher performance. If someone wants to remap their engine, then they should check out this website that offers such services.
Common Things That People Should Keep In Mind Before They Decide to Go For Remapping
1. It Increases Force, Power And Torque
The technique involves rewriting or making slight modifications in the program that runs the car. The program can be written so that the internal combustion engine, or the ICE as it is popularly known, works much harder. A normal engine involves energy from the fuel (diesel, petrol or gas) to move a piston.
The faster the movement of the piston, the harder the engine works. There are several ways to make an engine work harder, like using lubricants that reduce friction. Apart from that, installing a powerful engine or a turbo engine can increase the torque, which is the rotational force. However, tweaking the algorithms that run the modern car can make an already installed engine work harder.
The primary reason for this is that automotive manufacturers purposely set the program to make the engine perform less than its full potential. Hence, making simple tweaks to the algorithms can make the engine work to its maximum potential. Such modification can increase the horsepower of a model by greater than 15%.
2. It Does Not Damage The Engine
It might be intuitive to think that since an engine is being made to work harder, it will increase the wear and tear and hence the vehicle will get damaged permanently. However, that is not the case necessarily. The automobile factories keep the car performance below its maximum potential on purpose. A vehicle that has its internal software set at a lower level complies better with environmental norms. Visit manualsnet for any engine manuals.
However, the parts are durable enough to take on a higher load. Moreover, if the remapping is done by an expert, they will not make an abrupt change. They will monitor the pressure and temperature conditions and will make tweaks accordingly. Usually, the professionals make some tweaks, observe the performance, and finalize the changes once they are very sure of the vehicle’s safety.
It is prudent to go to experts or a professional company instead of random individuals who are willing to rewrite codes for a lower cost. Also, it is best not to try it with a brand new model because if the code goes entirely wrong, it can be terribly expensive to restore the entire functionality again.
3. The Vehicle May No Longer Comply With Environmental Norms
The efficiency and power will increase, but when a machine works harder, it generates more exhaust and creates more noise. Just like racer bikers create a lot of noise and leave a trail of exhaust as they move, these cars might become noisier and less environmentally friendly.
Hence, complying with emission check-ups becomes difficult, and heavy fines will be imposed if the norms are breached.
4. Cost Saving
Automobile manufacturers at times release newer versions of a single car by making simple modifications to the main software. In these cases, it is better to get the modifications done after buying an older version instead of purchasing the same car for a higher price.
5. The Insurance Costs May Go Up
The car’s insurance depends upon a number of factors like the health of the car. If the engines are being made to work harder, some other related parameters will also change. It is best to come out clean to the insurers. New car specifications will have to be updated, and the insurance premium charged will change accordingly.
Also, if a particular insurance company does not provide insurance for the new specifications, owners will have to buy new insurance.
6. Newer Upgrades
The engine, wheels, and accelerator need higher power and force to work more efficiently. Hence upgrades like changing the axle of the car and going for a higher grade fuel will significantly improve overall performance.
7. Increased Vehicle Safety
Tweaks to the software can activate an “immobilize” mode; hence stealing the car will become impossible because it will simply not move. Likewise, these can be a “valley-parking” mode. In this mode, the force and maximum speed will go down. Hence the changes in fuel wastage will be reduced, and the valley running away with the vehicle will be much less.
8. Warranty Periods Might Need A Relook
When a new model is sold, it has a fixed warranty period based on its working condition when it leaves the factory. When the specifications are modified by the owner, then the manufacturer takes no responsibility for the effect of the modifications. Hence, even if the vehicle breaks down within the original warranty period, the manufacturer might be unwilling to make repayments and fix things free of cost.
Automobile enthusiasts want to experiment with their vehicles. They love the increased speed. Also, these modifications are pretty affordable. At the lower end of the spectrum, a simple change can cost as little as 200 pounds. However, it is always better to research well before going for such upgrades because a shoddy job can damage the whole car. On the other hand, going for slightly premium services can improve the vehicle’s overall functionality.